Captivating Locations Around Lewis County You Must Visit
In this month’s edition of Hidden Lewis County, we are visiting a place known to the locals as Party Cove. What makes this place hidden is that you cannot reach it by driving or walking. It can only be accessed by boat! However, if the boat is too big, it won’t be able to fit down the winding river and it could get beached as it reaches shallow waters.
Lewis County Party Cove at Mayfield Lake
To be honest, I don’t know the history of the name. I’ve also never seen an actual party here ever, but one could imagine how this could be the ideal spot. Shallow, warm water, with areas of sandy bottoms, makes this a great spot to spend an afternoon with friends. As access is an issue, you’ll usually have this spot all to your self and the wildlife if its not during summer. Speaking of wildlife, this is a great place for young ones to “fishwatch” as the water is shallow enough to be seen clearly.

A Short Trip from Ike Kinswa State Park
Whether you take a boat or kayak, Party Cove is reached from Ike Kinswa in under 15 minutes. Make your way up the Tilton river, you’ll know when you reach it as the steep banks give way to an open area with small islands splitting the river. You won’t be able to go much further as the shallow water becomes even more shallow. There is a walking trail along the river to a rope swing. However, because you can’t walk the full way without getting wet, we recommend other transportation.

If you’re thinking of buying or selling your home in the west Lewis County area, contact me today! I’d love to hear from you! Eren Millam – Managing Broker Premiere Property Group, LLC WA License No. 26933
Chehalis, WA 98532 | Centralia, WA 98531 | Adna, WA 98522 | Boistfort, WA 98538 | Napavine, WA 98565 | Onalaska, WA 98570 | Rochester, WA 98579 | Toledo, WA 98591 | Vader, WA 98593 | Winlock, WA 98596
Call/Text: (360) 219-3616 | Email: Eren@LewisCountyHomes.com
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