How are we not in a housing bubble! Looking at the history of the housing market, we are not in a place where the market is ready to burst, and we are going to break that down for you.
Hey, it’s your favorite bearded realtor, Eren Millam with Premiere Property Group.
Looking at the History of the Modern Housing Market
If we take a look at the history of the modern housing market looking specifically at prices, We see that there was only ever one significant fall in home value, 2008. There are 2 major reasons for this: loose lending standards and cash out refinances.
People could apply for a loan they did not truly qualify for, then take cash out on their home to finance a lifestyle change. But will we see something similar today?
The Difference Between This Market and 2008
As Danielle Hale from Realtor.com says, “We have learned from history that prices can fall. The more important question is if it’s going to happen right now. And that’s hard to say.”
The last two years have been unprecedented and have led us here. Unprecedented times lead to unknown results, But one thing we do know, this is not 2008! If you have any other questions about the market, reach out to my team and we can help you decide what’s best for your family in this market.
Again, I’m Eren Millam & remember, Extraordinary Service delivers Extraordinary Results
If you’re thinking of buying or selling your home in the west Lewis County area, contact me today! I’d love to hear from you! Eren Millam – Managing Broker Premiere Property Group, LLC WA License No. 26933
Chehalis, WA 98532 | Centralia, WA 98531
Call/Text: (360) 219-3616 | Email: Eren@LewisCountyHomes.com
Check us out on FB: https://www.facebook.com/erenmillamrealtor
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